Don't put off making plans until you are unable to assert your wishes. Healthcare decisions are some of the most important decisions you'll ever make.
The Healthcare Power of Attorney names someone (your agent) who you would want to make your healthcare decisions and follow your instructions. You must trust your agent, your agent must be willing and able to serve, and should probably live locally. If you don't think that you agent would follow your wishes, you probably would not want to name them in this role.
At Littlejohn Law, we strive to help families have solid foundations and prepare for their future. During these times, we understand there is a lot of uncertainty and planning for the future may be the last thing on our minds right now. One thing we can control is who will make healthcare decisions fo us if we're unable to make them on our own.
As a result, we've created a free generic Healthcare Power of Attorney that you can complete on your own. Follow the steps below:
- Enter your name and email
- Check you email for a link to a Questionnaire (make sure that you have you're agent's contact information)
- Complete the Questionnaire
- Check you email for a Completed Healthcare Power of Attorney.
- Contact a Notary to get it signed an Notarize. If you need help with this step, we can Notarize it for you.
For more information call us at 740.346.2899 or check out our blogs on a Healthcare Power Attorney.