Having the Bank foreclose on your home is serious business. It's stressful, mentally and physically draining, and embarrassing. The last thing that you want to happen is for your family and friends to find out that you're losing your home. At the same time, we understand that in some situations out of your control may result in you being unable to pay your bills.
No Matter which Situation you fall into the Bank should not take advantage of you!
Far to often, we hear the horror stories from people dealing with the Big Bad Banks who are trying to kick them out of their homes. And all they are looking for is additional time to get their affairs in order and will gladly move and give their home to the bank.
Other times, we hear from people who entered into a Loan Modification Agreement, but now the Bank is going back on their word and doesn't want to honor their agreement. It doesn't have to be that way.
Protecting consumers against their lender or mortgage companies has been one of the foundational aspects of our real estate practice. If you are not in foreclosure, but are facing abuse by your mortgage servicer, we may be able to help.
Lenders and mortgage companies do things like:
- Charging false fees;
- Dragging their feet to generate additional fees;
- Lying to the government to generate more income; or
- Taking advantage of people by over valuing the loan.
Don’t let a company’s desire for profits interfere with its obligation to act legally.
If you're facing foreclosure and losing it all, you have rights. Get our Free E-Book below and Contact our office for a Free Telephone Strategy Session so that you can learn about your rights and how we can help you to a better situation.