
Description automatically generatedThe reason I’m writing you is because I want you to know that “a little planning goes along way.” Far too often, my team and I deal with situations that could’ve been avoided by doing some little planning. A Will, a Healthcare Power of Attorney, a Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney… something.

So, I wanted to reach out to you one last chance to make sure that you have access to the important information that you need. There are times when people receive our Complimentary Book titled “the Ohio Estate Planning Secrets – what some lawyers don’t want you to know” they realize that their current plan will work and for other people they realize that their plan won’t work. I’m not sure where you fall into. But it’s something that you need to think about.


How do you want your loved ones to remember you?

Do you want them to struggle with going through the Probate Process? Do you want them to wonder why you didn’t do any planning or updating to your plan? Again, a little planning goes a long way.

Most of our clients start by requesting our complimentary Estate Planning Books, but for the limited time we’re offering Estate Planning Starter Package, which is a flat fee of $399.00 The Protection Assurance Package includes:

  • Two 30 Minute Consultations with our Estate Planning Team – the first consultation is to identify your goals and the second is to discuss your detailed written analysis.
  • One Complete Estate Plan Review – where our team reviews your current plan to discuss important changes in the law.
  • One Detailed Written Analysis – where our team provides you with a written strategy to accomplish your goals and make recommendations so that your plan will work.
  • $400 Dollars Credited toward your Estate Planning Services fees.

It's that simple. You'll know exactly what you need to do to protect your family including whether or not you should have a Trust or a Will. 

Looking forward to protecting your family. 

Let's do some Planning